As many employers begin transitioning employees back to their offices after extended time away working remotely from their homes, the issue of whether or not they can require COVID-19 vaccination has been arising. Can employers indeed require employees to get...
During the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses elected to have employees work from home whenever possible to lessen the spread of the coronavirus in an office environment. While some businesses – such as those in the transportation, manufacturing, and service industries...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among the most promising and fastest-growing technologies. AI technology mainly carries out data processing to identify patterns and irregularities. AI analyses and mimics human behavior. Over time, using what it learns and observes, it...
The sudden COVID-19 health crisis continues to change our lives every day. With social distancing recommendations and quarantine practices in place, many entrepreneurs and managers are taking this time to pause and reflect. Conceptualizing and implementing effective...
Business plans are essential documents for guiding a company’s structure, operations, and goals to ensure continuous growth and success. The coronavirus pandemic has changed how businesses operate, causing financial stress and forced closures. Whether a company is...